martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

chess and business and real life

hi all, yes, lately I am playing many times chess online. And, I am so reluctant to retrieve conclusions during or after each game. I wonder if this happens to other chess players. Any comment is welcomed. Indeed, I am now set to write now about that, but I am stuck, cause I am not on a game right now. Just, consider the forces you have on a game and a real life. Sometimes, you foresee what a move will bring you, sometimes you are unable. You risk it. Any step you move will receive different reaction (results) by different people (opponents). So, why wouldn't we move the pieces taking into account the conditions. Cause, sometimes I see that the opponents make their move spontaneously regardless of what the game (life) affronts them to.
Let's compare the chess to the business life. I mean the business, taking risks. When you have many powers (queen, towers, etc. this is like too much money) left, sometimes you don't need to keep them, you just depreciate them. Cause, at last, the result is important. You are sure that you will win still in the business or in the game. By personal experience, I recommend to appreciate everything we have at hands and keep them for the future. Even if you are sure that you win, just be cautious to keep what you have.